SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR!™ (2017 Edition)

See the reflection of the mountain in the water?

Well, it's not real——it's only a reflection and it represents your irrelevant past.

Now look up at the mountain peak. This IS real——it's your ambitous and exciting future. And this program is going to get you there. Satisfaction guaranteed. Or your money back.

Bottom line: Make the next 12 months the best of your life with an ambitious but manageable plan of action that will take you to heights in 2017 never before imagined. Your 2016 New Year's Resolutions will become... Your 2017 New Year's Accomplishments.

About Your Coach

Smiley face
Dr. Monroe Mann, PhD, Esq, MBA, LLM, ME, EMT

Dr. Monroe Mann is one of the most unique and accomplished people you'll ever meet. He's a licensed attorney, an 8-time published author, a bronze-star nominated combat veteran, a motivational speaker, a computer and web programmer, an accomplished feature filmmaker, an actor, a screenwriter, and the founder and executive director of a worldwide not-for-profit. He holds a PhD in psychology, a masters in entrepreneurship, an MBA in finance, and an LLM in commercial real estate law. He has also lived and worked on four continents, and speaks and teaches Chinese, French, Italian, and English. Oh, and yes, he's probably also one of the most inspirational life, career, and business coaches you will ever meet.

What does this all mean?

It means he is going to change your life forever.


ALYCIA BORYS: Let me tell you why you should hire Monroe to be your life, business, or career coach. I joined Monroe’s email list and upon receiving his first newsfeed, I was blown away by his enthusiasm, accomplishments, and drive to help others achieve. Unlike many other coaches, Monroe’s approach is unique in that he not only truly cares, but he takes all aspects of your life into consideration in order to formulate a path that’s right just for you. He is inspiring and provides simple, but effective solutions to help you get to where you want to be. Best investment I've made in years. (2015)

JAY CONRAD LEVINSON: Monroe -- you are a rocket ship and you're heading upwards at faster than the speed of light! I'll never be surprised to learn that word of mouth about you travels just as fast. (2009)

CURT NIELSEN: Monroe Mann has helped make the impossible seem practical by converting the stop-and-go, to-be-or-not conundrums of the usual actors psyche into an objective, doable business career path--the psyche of the star. Instead of only beautifully reciting sonnets to the moon (ah! acting school!), I also now have the necessary calculus to launch my career moon shot with a strong probability of success. (2013)

DOUGLAS C. WILLIAMS: Using the techniques I learned from Monroe, I finally took my career into my own hands. I quit my so-called ‘survival job’, and I am now a full-time working actor and producer. I have been interviewed on Carson Daly, in New York Magazine, at, and others... All within months after meeting Monroe Mann. Thanks Monroe! See you at the Top!" (2003)

And this list goes on and on! You can read tens and tens more reviews and testimonials at Monroe's Wyzant Coaching Page and also at Monroe's Law Firm Website

Want to get a better idea of what working with Monroe is like? Go check out the free trailer and first few lessons of Monroe's Udemy course entitled, "Time Zen" at Monroe's Udemy Landing Page for "Time Zen". You can actually see Monroe talking to you and get a feel for whether you like his style.

About the Program

The program is broken up into 3 parts.

Part 1 takes place during the course of a month, is very intensive, and involves creating a plan unlike any you've ever used. The first meeting is 90 minutes long, followed by three additional one-hour meetings. By the end of the month, you have a written plan of action to make your year amazing. Monroe teaches you what you need to know about psychology, law, business, marketing, networking, sales, public speaking, strategy, motivation, determination, and "why" in order to position you for maximum speed and progress.

Part 2 takes place every three months thereafter, throughout the year, acting as an accountability program to keep you on track. During these meetings, Monroe helps you to update the plan as things change and makes sure you're not getting lazy. For those who wish to meet once a month, that too can be arranged.

Part 3 involves getting involved with Monroe's "your success"-focused not-for-profit, "Break Diving", as well as an invitation to join Phase 2 of this SNY website: once Monroe graduates from "The Firehose Project" coding bootcamp in June 2017, he will not only be revising this simple website to be more classily designed, but it will switch from a static website into a dynamic ruby on rails basecamp for all SNY program participants, complete with login, logout, and an online "Year Planner"™ to keep you fully on track throughout the year.


The program's cost is also broken up into 3 parts.

Part 1 is $850; Part 2 starts at $450; Part 3 is to-be-determined.

If you choose to pay for part 1 and 2 up front, it's a flat fee of $1250--a savings of $50.

All payments must be up front.

Common Questions

QUESTION: Are you a fraud? ANSWER: Nope.

QUESTION: Is there really a money-back guarantee? ANSWER: Yes. Complete all the meetings, do all the homework, and put into practice what I recommend, and if you're not satisfied with the results, I will give you your money back in full.

QUESTION: What's your experience? ANSWER: I've been doing this for years, and I would not be offering a money-back guarantee if what I do for my clients is ineffective. Makes sense, doesn't it?

QUESTION: Will this really work? ANSWER: If you give me a chance, and commit to trying the techniques that I recommend, I promise you that this is going to be the most amazing year of your life.

QUESTION: What if half of the year is already over, or more? ANSWER: So you're just going to throw away the rest of this year? You will be amazed at how things can change in even just one month. Jump aboard. Let me show you how much you can really accomplish!

Free Consultation!

Want to chat with Monroe for 15 minutes by phone? To set it up, either send him a text at 808-482-4136 or send an email to: roe at monroe mann law dot com(e on!) HINT: don't call or leave a voicemail. Text or email is better. Call as a last resort.

Or, already ready to get started?! Visit Monroe's Wyzant Page to register.